About Valencia

Valencia is located on the eastern part of the Spanish Mediterranean coast. With a multicultural past, Valencia is the third largest city in Spain. Valencia embraces culture and tradition from the past combined with singular architecture, exciting gastronomy, nightlife, and beautiful white sand beaches.

The heart of Valencia Old Town is the result of the different cultures and civilizations that have passed through the city: from Iberians, Romans, Visigoths, Moors and up to its modern cosmopolitan city of the present times. Valencia displays something for everyone, whether you want to sightsee and go back in time to observe all of the periods that Valencia has gone through, relax on the beach, enjoy the fantastic cuisine or simply go shopping at modern malls, stores, and boutiques.

Delight yourself with the enchanting Barrio del Carmen. Then, by a short bus ride or bike ride along the Turia bed river, the large green lung of the city with more than eight kilometers you can find the unique architecture like the City of Arts and Sciences, which does not leave any visitor mesmerized. The City of Arts and Sciences is made up of five magnificent futuristic structures: the Hemisfèric (IMAX cinema and digital projections), the Umbracle (a landscaped vantage point), the Príncipe Felipe Science Museum (an innovative center of interactive science), the Oceanográfic (the largest aquarium in Europe), the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía (an international Opera house), and the Ágora, which gives the complex a multifunctional space.

Then, you can head on over to the Malvarrosa beach and experience authentic paella which is a traditional Valencian dish. Valencia not only offers its world famous paella, but many other famous gastronomical dishes such as: all i pebre, fideuà, olleta… To end the perfect Valencian meal, there are local desserts such as torrò (nougat), arnadí (pumpkin pie), and the most famous Valencian drink, horchata.

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